Monday, September 3, 2012

2 Month Update and Our Top 10

Well our precious Ellie Grace is now 2 months old. I seriously cannot believe it! Man, everyone is right, they really do grow up fast! She is a little ball of fun these days. She loves smiling and cooing at us. She loves toys and anything with contrast (like the ceiling fan). She is pretty regularly following the eat-wake-sleep pattern (on her own, not by my forcing).  She changes it up some each night, but she usually goes at least 1 longer stretch of 5-7 hours.... which is amazing for me!

We are just having the time of our lives with her. She is such a blessing and I have learned so much about the Lord already by being her mom. It just really hits home when you have this immediate and unfathomable love for this little person  and then you realize, it is only a glimpse of the depth of love that the Lord has for His children. My little finite mind can't wrap itself around the thought, but Ellie Grace sure has opened my eyes a little more to our Savior's love. I just am in awe of our Creator when I look at her. How perfectly He knit her together inside of me. It just blows me away that He is doing this all the time with all these little babies all over the world. And it just breaks my heart to think of how many never get to take their first breath because their mothers choose to end their little lives in the womb.... oh. my. Lord help me to speak up for those little ones.

Well, those are just a few of my thoughts about life with Ellie Grace after 2 months with her! Now onto something a little more light hearted. Since I know so many pregnant people, I just thought I would write out our top 10 things so far.

My silly little EG after her weekly photo shoot!

Here are a few of the things Ellie and I have come to love so far!

1) Wubbanubs: We LOVE our paci's with the animals attached. It makes it so much easier on us all. It prevents the paci's from flying across the room as she spits them out and keeps them close by!

2) Miracle Blanket: We alternate between this and #3 (the Swaddlepod). Our little one loves her hands, but unfortunately wakes herself up constantly with them (which I hear is quite common). So both of these prevent her from flailing her arms out or poking herself in the face. It has a way to wrap the arms by their side making it a lot harder to get their arms out (but still sometimes she manages).

3) Swaddlepod: This thing is amazing. I hadn't seen one or even heard of this until my friend Jenny introduced me. It is supposed to mimic the womb. It has a little spandex in it and so it gives a little when they want to move, but restricts major movement like the flailing of the arms. Ellie likes this one because she can bring her arms up to her chest.

4) Cloth diapers: We are loving using cloth diapers. We waited a little while to start so that Ellie could be a little bigger and so we were well past our episode of thrush. So last week we finally switched over to cloth. We have a mixture of FuzziBunz and BumGenius diapers. We went with the all-in-ones with snaps and pockets. They are working out great! Thanks to all of you (especially my MIL Wendy) for the diapers- most were gifts!! Even though it means more laundry and takes time to stuff them with the inserts, I am finding it very gratifying! Maybe it is because they are so cute? And also, the saving money aspect? And maybe also because I can use as many as I want and not have to feel bad? I dunno, but regardless, its fun and a way to save some major money!! We quickly realized in those short 6 weeks how expensive diapers are! Holy moly!! Glad we only have to do that when traveling...

5) Mamaroo: Ok, so we are a bit ridiculous, and we are fully aware of it. Around week 5 and 6, Ellie was pretty fussy. She is a really good baby and luckily we worked through it, but during those weeks I was about to go crazy! Our swing broke just a few weeks in, so I was feeling like I had no where to put her that was soothing/relaxing. So we ventured over to Buy Buy Baby and thats when we first learned about the Mamaroo. We went with the intention of getting a normal swing, but this time I was insistent on getting one that plugged in so we didn't have to always be spending money on batteries. But when we got there and saw how HUGE the bases of the swings were we knew it would never work in our small apartment. That's when we laid our eyes on this interesting cross between a swing and bouncer that looks like it belongs in the Jetson's cartoon. So yes, we caved and bought it... we got 20% off so that makes it better, right? ;) And it plugs in, so no more wasting money on batteries! Anyway, it has been a great addition. It was designed to mimic humans and how they sooth babies. So it only goes side to side and has 5 different motions. Ellie loves it and it really does a great job at soothing! It also has a mobile with these intricate black and white patterns that she LOVES to stare at too! And they also flip over to a color side for when she is older! genius.

6) Rock 'n Play Sleeper: This is what Ellie is currently sleeping in. Thanks Jenny, again, for the recommendation! Basically, it is a bassinet with an incline. Yeah, I know, we are eventually going to have to get her flat on her back, but for now this is a life saver! She has slept around 7-8 hours at night in this (right now about 5-6)! And I believe this has a lot to do with it. I am thinking when she learns how to roll she will do better flat on her back and be able to get comfortable on her own.

7) Noise maker: The one we have is nothing special, but it is wonderful. It definitely helps drown out the noise of Watson barking and Patrick coming in and out from PT in the wee hours of the morning.

8) Kid-to-Kid Consignment: This is an amazing consignment store here in GA. I have heard they are a chain so check and see if there is one near you! They only take nice (and mostly name brand) clothing. Nothing that is stained or faded. The prices are reasonable AND they give us a 10% off military discount! woo-hoo! I would say about half of Ellie's wardrobe has been bought here!

9) Baby Einstein Adventure Gym: this is Ellie's FAVORITE thing to do during the day! She loves laying down and looking up at herself in the mirror. And she loves the songs that have coordinated flashing lights... I highly recommend this one!

10) Gerber Goodstart Gentle Formula: Ok, so we ended up having to quit breastfeeding. Ellie was not improving with her ability to suck (she was never getting to the hind milk and never eating much, so that was why she kept losing weight)... then we ended up with thrush (oh let me tell you, I do not wish that pain on any woman! It was so intense!).... and the final straw was when she went on a nursing strike (she already was not a strong/efficient nurser and we were already having to supplement... ugh!). I am not sure if it was pain from the thrush, or a nasty taste from all the meds, or what... but unfortunately, it just wasn't happening for us. We had tried a few formulas (since we were already supplementing), but none of them seemed to be working well for her. She either had a hard time going to the bathroom and was straining or was in pain from gas. That's when my friend Brooke (who was a nutritionist at a children's hospital before moving here) recommended we try Gerber GS. Ellie has now been on it for 3 weeks and she is doing really well! It makes such a difference to find one that works well with your baby. She no longer seems to be in pain! That makes for a happy baby and happy mama!